+254 0202 609 804

Communication Skills Course

Course Aim and Purpose

The ability to communicate effectively is an essential skill in today’s world. Communication is a dynamic process and how you communicate can positively and negatively affect the relations you have in your work and life.

This free communication skills short course is designed to help you learn how to interact and convey your message clearly and assertively whilst gaining the ability to listen to others.

The course will equip you with the best practice communication techniques to effectively handle introverted or extroverted people.

Course Objectives

This Workplace Communication Skills Course will help you;

  • Become a better communicator.
  • How to become a good listener when communicating.
  • Discover the art of building rapport with all types of people.
  • Enhance your interpersonal skills.
  • Create highly productive relationships with fellow employees.
  • Learn the basics of verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Achieve a stronger focus on your business goals.


This short communication skills course will cover the following topics:

Lesson 1: Understanding Communication
Lesson 2: Giving and Receiving Instructions
Lesson 3: Providing Feedback
Lesson 4: Listening Skills
Lesson 5: Non-Verbal Communication
Lesson 6: Meetings at Workplace
Lesson 7: Oral Communication
Lesson 8: Adapting to Differences: Personality, Culture, And Gender

Benefits of the Communication Skills Course

  • Receive a Watsan Training and Development Center Certificate and transcript.
  • Learn how to apply knowledge and skills to your current or future work in water and sanitation.
  • An opportunity for individual mentoring and guidance from the Watsan Training and Development Center.
  • The Watsan Training and Development Center will provide letters of recommendation upon request

Watsan Training’s Commitment

Our focus is on creating learning and development solutions that are not only interesting, practical and relevant, but that also deliver results that are meaningful for our learners. We combine expertise in design, management and leadership and adult learning to create solutions that are responsive to and tailored for industry and learners needs.